Show Income Declared but Not Paid
This is a feature that both Class and Sharesight have - once a dividend or distribution goes ex dividend, the amount of the dividend or distribution is shown in the valuation as a general line item as Income Declared but Not Paid (Class) or Unpaid Payouts Adjustment (Sharesight).
This is useful - especially in dividends season, when the value of a share-based portfolio can drop as a number of shares go ex-dividend around the same time, as the value of this amount can be quite substantial.
Adding this amount back into the valuation - say in the investment dashboard screen - would be a great feature that would make Simple Invest 360 more feature compatible with competitor products.
I assume both competitor products get their data from share fees from the registries, or by parsing the dividend announcements.
Examples are shown for both Class and Sharesight below for portfolios with multiple pending dividends, and finally for a portfolio with a single pending distribution where the amount matches the single declared distribution:
Class (super fund with multiple declared dividends)
Sharesight (same super fund - it has picked up a distribution for a share that went ex- today)
Sharesight (trust) showing the flag next to the ETF that has just gone ex- with the distribution, followed by the pending distribution.
Official comment
Hi Bernard, many thanks for the detailed feedback, we will add this to our wishlist.
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