Support Query
How do I prepare Notes to the Financial Statements for a Reporting Entity?
How do I prepare General Purpose Notes to the Financial Statements?
1. Ensure the Reporting Entity option is toggled ON under Badge settings.
From the Main Toolbar, hover the cursor over the Reports icon. |
Select Reports. |
2. Choose a badge from the dropdown other than the Default Badge.
*Note the Reporting Entity option must be toggled on under the badge settings to prepare General Purpose Notes to the Financial Statements.
3. Search for Notes to the Financial Statements using the Search Report bar. Alternatively, locate the Notes to the Financial Statements under Financial Reports.
4. Add the Notes to the Financial Statements to the Report Pack by selecting the Add To Pack arrow.
5. You are able to edit the format of the statement by selecting
For more information, refer to How do I change what is included in the Notes to the Financial Statements?
Select Save and Use Report Settings.
To remove or include other notes to the financial statements, refer to the Badge settings.
6. Users have the option to preview it or download it as a PDF, Excel, or Word document. Select to remove the statement.
If you require further changes to reports in Simple Invest to support your GPFR requirements please pass along this feedback to the product team using the feedback option.