Setting up new entities in Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 has never been easier for new users, thanks to the BGL Entity Setup Service.
This setup service allows you to upload existing documents and select specific settings required for your entity. From there, BGL's Client Success team receives this information and will assist in the setup process.
Note - Accessing the Entity Setup Service via the Fund Details screen.
When an entity has already been created, this service can be accessed on the Fund Details screen.
Simply navigate to Fund Details, then scroll down to the "BGL Entity Setup Service" section:
From the Main Toolbar, navigate to Home. |
Select Entity Setup |
This example runs through adding a Trust to Simple Invest 360. Companies and Individuals can be added in a similar manner.
Enter the details for the entity, then click Create in the bottom-right corner:
A popup window will appear. Select the BGL Entity Setup Service button:
The BGL Entity Setup Service screen will now display.
Please note that firms outside of the onboarding period (subscribed to Simple Fund 360 for over 6 months) will receive an additional charge:
- Step 1 of the service requires the upload of existing financial documents.
Additionally, select if you intend to use this entity for Financial Reporting or only as a CGT Register.
A checklist with details on the documents required is displayed on the right side of the window:
- Step 2 requires selecting preferences for how properties and managed portfolios are entered into the software. If this investment type is not held in the entity, select the third option:
- Step 3 involves selecting the most recent financial year that has been finalised, and adding any additional notes that may assist in setting up the entity:
Once satisfied with the details, select Submit. Clicking submit will:
- Notify BGL's Client Success team of the Entity Setup request.
- Provide the uploaded documents to the Client Success team.
- Give the Client Success team access to this new entity for 30 days.
If any further details are required, the Client Success team will contact you via email.
Uploading Additional Documents
If additional documents need to be uploaded after completing the process above, select the option available on the Entity Dashboard:
This option is also available at the bottom of the Entity Details screen: